This fall students in all grade levels have participated in learning about Ancient Egypt. First as a mixed age group, we discussed what the word ancient means and then had students share what they know about any ancient civilizations. Then in three age groups, we started to delve deeper into Ancient Egypt. In the youngest group, we “time traveled” to 3000 BCE by crawling through a tunnel from the hall and into the classroom. We started with looking on a map to find Egypt and label the area where the ancient civilization was. We’ve used many books in this class to explore the ideas and culture of Ancient Egypt as well as the importance of the river. Students have listened to books such as: Nile Crossing and We’re Sailing Down the Nile. Students have analyzed pictures of sarcophaguses and Ancient Egypt art work. Students have also learned about hieroglyphics and made a cartouche with their name on it. We’ve had great fun learning about pyramids and mummies. We’ve even brought in science and math with our mummies and pyramids. Students are making a small book of vocabulary words that they have learned in our unit and will be sharing them with their families at home once completed.