Math class for our 6th graders this fall has been about statistics. We started with gathering, graphing and interpreting data from our classmates about name length. We graphed our data on line plots and bar graphs. We even used a stem leaf plot. We’ve explored mode, median, range and coordinate points. We’ve learned about numerical Read More >>
Math Book Adventures
This Fall, students in our oldest grades have been listening to a series of math books that discuss and explain all different types of math processes. Books we’ve read this fall include: Multiplying Menace, Sold!, Rabbits Rabbits Everywhere, and Zachary Zormer: Shape Transformer. We’ve talked about how multiplying with fractions is the same and Read More >>
Oldest Math Class
This year, Math Class for two of our oldest students started out with combining like terms, solving for variables and setting up and solving proportions. Students have practiced some of these skills using a computer program on called Geo Cashing where you have to find hidden boxes on the web as you solve problems. Not Read More >>
Our two 7th graders and one 5th grader have taken a journey into pre-algebra this year. This class has been called Variables all year, but we have explored so much more than just variables. One thing that is constant is that there is often an “unknown” or “x” in most of our work, so the name “Variables” has stuck! Even Read More >>
A group of seven 3rd and 4th graders have been learning all about multiplication and division this winter. With multiplication, they started with cluster problems which break large problems such as 358×27 into small clusters of easily known multiplication sentences such as: 300×2, 300×20, 50×20, etc. Once the smaller problems are solved, students figure out which cluster will help Read More >>
Flying Airplanes!
How do airplanes fly? That is a question that our younger students (K-2) explored during Investigations. They made paper airplanes and tested them to see how far they could fly. Then they modified their planes to see if they could get them to fly farther. They compared their recorded distances to draw their conclusions.
Our 5th graders have been working on all facets of geometry lately. They started with reviewing polygons during class and individual time on their contracts. They played games such as: Guess My Rule and Get it Together Polygon 1-4. The challenge lately has been measuring all types of angles using protractors. An angle hunt around Read More >>
Place Value Fun
Seven 3rd and 4th graders have been working hard in a place value class that has also integrated multiplication. We started with talking about skip counting on the 100s chart and what numbers would land us exactly on 100. We learned that 100 has the factors of 1, 100, 2, 50, 4, 25, 5, 20 Read More >>
Multiplication and Division
Students in the middle grades have been working on division and multiplication using our TERC series of Investigations books. We’ve explored the number chart with skip counting, played games like Tricky Triangles, written riddles for our classmates to solve and completed worksheets on arrays. We even read and solved riddles from the book Each Orange Read More >>
Building Number Sense and Mathematical Thinking
Five of our youngest children took part in a TERC Investigations math unit on Building Number Sense and Mathematical Thinking. An integral part of this unit is having students explain their mathematical strategies that they did by drawing pictures, using numbers, words and manipulatives and counting in their head or on their fingers. Each Read More >>