Our unit started with learning about the Triangle Trade route, and locating and identifying the countries and goods involved. We then studied how Africans brought to the New World were forced to participate in this trade through the Middle Passage. Students studied images of slave auctions using the Visual Thinking Strategies: What’s going on in this picture? What do you see that makes you say that? What more can you find? The issue of slavery was never addressed in the Constitution, so as the United States developed and grew the need to address the enslavement of people of color grew. Students were assigned to read an historical fictional novel which will be discussed in class. They will be studying the causes of the Civil War, by creating What When Where posters about theĀ Northwest Ordinance 1787, Missouri Compromise of 1820, Nat Turner Rebellion 1831, Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, Compromise of 1850, Kansas Nebraska Act 1854, and Dred Scott Decision 1857. In the future we will be studying the abolitionist movement and finally the legacy of Abraham Lincoln.