Students in grade 1 and 2, explored the number system using Terc’s Investigations: Coins, Coupons and Combinations. First they worked with combinations of 10, making their own Book of 10, which listed all the possible combinations of 10. To further practice this skill they played games such as Turn Over 10 and Tens Go Fish. Then we looked at the concept of doubling and imagined what would happen when we put objects into a magic doubling pot. Children wrote riddles for their peers to solve like, “I put 6 pieces of French toast and 5 pancakes into a magic pot. What came out? Solving addition number strings of three addends we practiced using our new understanding of doubles and combinations of 10 to beat the calculator and played another game called Close to 20. We discovered that sometimes our mental math was faster! Then we looked at counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and turned our attention to coins, where we could further practice these new counting skills. Finally we explored the 100’s chart and started using tens and ones blocks to help us write and solve combining and separating number sentences.