Starting in late September, this grammar class learned about nouns and verbs. This class took place either during morning meetings or during snack time. During the first two lessons, students learned about possessive nouns, specifically where apostrophes and “s” are placed depending on the word being singular, plural, or plural with an “s” already at the end of the word. To strengthen the students’ skills in determining these placements, a game was implemented where students had to “swat the fly” with the correct version of the possessive noun when given in a sentence. In early October, the class then grew to learn about verbs. The class was split into three days. On the first day, the students learned about action, present, past, and future tense verbs. The students participated in hands-on activities, incorporated movement, collaboration, and action when reviewing these verbs. In addition, video clips were used to strengthen the knowledge of verb tenses. On the second day, students learned about helping, linking, and irregular verbs. Some analogies that were used included “helping verbs begin with “H,” “have or had,” and they are the “heroes.” Students continued learning about rules with irregular verbs on the final day. By the end of this lesson, students were able to recall the different types of nouns and verbs, and list the words that were linking and helping verbs.