This fall, children in grades kindergarten through third grade have been learning about the Haudenosaunee. We started out our unit by looking at maps and finding out where New York is in the United States, and then where each of the six tribes of the Haudensaunee were located. Students marked on the map each tribe.
As a class we discussed what the words Native American and Haudensaunee mean. We then learned about and discussed the Peacemaker, wampum and the Hiawatha Belt.
We next explored longhouses inside and out and added to pictures to show how the Haudenosaunee would live. We watched videos and read books about longhouse villages.
We learned about the Thanksgiving Address and when it is shared. We talked about what the Haudenosaunee say they are thankful for in the address and shared what we are thankful for on a sheet during class.
We are currently exploring gustoweh, a fitted hat that is decorated with feathers, and the clans of the Seneca, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Tuscarora and Cayuga.