This spring the younger students, K-4, did an author study of Peter Spier. Peter Spier was a Dutch-born illustrator and author of more than thirty children’s books.
We read Bored – Nothing to Do, which is about two brothers who build an airplane out of spare parts around the house.
We also read Oh, Were They Ever Happy! One Saturday morning while their parents are away, the Noonan children decide to paint the house.
Many of Peter Spier’s books are about historical events. Of these, we read The Erie Canal. It illustrates the song “Low Bridge! Everybody Down,” showing life and places along the 19th century canal.
We also read The Legend of New Amsterdam, which depicts the early history of New York City, including describing life in 17th century New Amsterdam.
We read The Fox Went Out On A Chilly Night, an old folk song, with its story illustrated by Peter Spier.
Several of Peter Spier’s books tell stories primarily through the illustrations, with no or few words. One which we “read” was Rain.