This fall, the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh graders have been learning about static electricity, atom components, and electromagnetism. We started the unit by exploring the impact that electricity has on our lives. Students took a scavenger hunt around the school to develop a collective list about items that use electricity. Then, students created a Bohr model of atoms, with each student representing protons, neutrons, and electrons. Students had an opportunity to participate in many experiments involving static electricity. In small groups, students used static electricity to move an aluminum can without touching it, have balloons attract and repel, use a charged balloon to separate salt from pepper, and have a balloon stick to the wall. Students wrote down their observations and we had discussion about their findings. Students thought of ways to conserve energy and conducted research on various topics, such as, electromagnetism, electromagnetic waves, and magnetic force. With a small group, students developed a song based on their research and performed their song to the whole group.