Two groups of students participated in a book club to read Stone Fox, by John Reynolds Gardiner. The book tells the story of a ten-year-old boy whose grandfather falls ill, so he must save their farm from the tax collector. A major theme of the story is perseverance. No matter what obstacles Little Willy faces, he never gives up.
The first group of students who read the book had a reading assignment each week, to which they responded by answering a few comprehension questions and by listing words they found to be interesting. When we met, we discussed what they had read, using their responses as they related to the discussions.
The second group of students who read the book had a reading assignment each week, to which they responded by identifying, with sticky notes in their books, key elements, such as characters, setting, and story events. When we met, we discussed what they had read, using their notes to find helpful information in the text. After reading the book, the students told the story to a group of younger students using items they put in a can to help tell the story. They had decorated the can with a key character from the book.