A small group of students in first, second and third grade explored fractions using multiple representations of ONE. With parquetry pieces they considered the fractional parts of a hexagon. In the process they learned that the denominator means how many equal parts are in the whole, in ONE. While the numerator indicates how many of Read More >>
Butterfly class
In January, we continued our butterfly class. As always it allowed for wonderful conversations on big ideas. One day we began to talk about butterflies, discussing that they don’t stay around to nurture their young. We talked a little about the difference between human, butterflies: learning from our parents or knowing through instinct. But of course, Read More >>
The youngest students have recently begun a unit on electricity. We follow the same format we used for our Butterfly class. We meet once a week for 50 minutes. For the first half hour we read and talk. For the next 20 minutes we have a studio time where we break up into 4 or Read More >>
Dragon Books
Our kindergarten and first grade students have practiced several language comprehension skills while channeling an appropriate fantasy outlet through the book, “Brave Martha and the Dragon.” We practiced character analysis skills by using text evidence and inferential skills to describe characters based on both physical characteristics and personal character traits. Students practiced using a variety Read More >>
Math Centers with Calli
In math class over the last six weeks we worked on breaking numbers up to twelve into two parts, which helps the students start to develop basic addition skills. I used many different things in class to help the students see that numbers can be broken into two parts. They built block towers, drew cats Read More >>
Seeds Class with Calli
In our seeds class the students were able to examine multiple different types of seeds. They looked at both dry and wet lima and kidney bean seeds. We first examined what the outside looked and felt like then the students were able to cut the seeds open and examine the insides so that they could Read More >>
Geometry Centers with Mary
This year we have continued math class with our youngest children by working on geometry. The first class looked at what they knew about a triangle. They drew pictures that included triangles and we talked about triangles having 3 sides and 3 corners. The second class we worked with 4 1/2 inch squares to visualize how Read More >>
The Seed Within
In this science class, the students read a book called “A Suitcase for Seeds.” The students were asked to make predictions about what they thought the seeds would look like, where they were located and how many there were. The students then got to analyze different fruits. We predicted what the inside of every fruit Read More >>
Copy Word
Our kindergartner and a few of the first grader students participate in a once a week class called Copy Word. During this class, students are working on their fine motor skills through cutting and printing. Each class, students get to look through magazines and pick one word to “copy” neatly and accurately onto their paper. Read More >>
Poetry: Powerful Thoughts in Tiny Packages
Lucy Calkins inspired a poetry unit for our students in grades 1-3. Each week of her unit inspires children to consider a new “ingredient” or strategy. The unit began with experimenting with looking at ordinary things in a new way. Subsequent classes explored looking at patterns in poetry, music, line breaks and the use of Read More >>