Students in Kindergarten and First Grade have an art class each day. Second grade joins us once a week. K-1 has free art at least once a week where students can work on longer individual projects or experiment with new materials.
We have made and colored playdough that the children have enjoyed using, and use clay in some capacity generally once a week.

The other days, we tend to work on a project related to our science unit study or to emphasize and visualize math concepts such as measuring. We have created watercolor butterflies, and camouflaged butterflies or moths. We created cocoons or chrysalis for our clothespin butterflies. The students seem to especially like the moving interactive art pieces so we created flying butterflies and crawling caterpillars. We worked on a cooperative butterfly painting where the children used their fingerprints to represent the individual scales on a butterfly’s wing. We created a bee to use for a STEM experiment we had in science class.
We have recently started a plant unit study and the kids seem to be enjoying the art projects that we have picked for this unit.