The first day of the After School Program and the weather is lovely. We ease into the afternoon with tales of summer. Potluck with families at Ryder Park!

A sensory adventure begins: Children open each of 15 bags to feel, smell and taste dried herb samples from a local garden, then guess what each might be. A key is used to identify each sample, and we talk about what the terms annual, biennial, and perennial mean. Some take samples home, some make perfumes by grinding herbs and adding water. Dolls, fairy houses and button characters are big art activities, and reverse painting on glass in picture frames is intriguing. Enthusiasm for Legos and blocks and animals continues.
We enjoy working with clay, though processing our disappointments–acknowledging regret, promise, hope and validation of their effort–that, since the clay wasn’t wedged it wouldn’t be fired. Our compromise is a photo of each child’s piece, and consensus to deconstruct clay pieces in a pail of water. Outdoors, in games of keep-away, Dr. Evil and other fantasy play, children freely running back and forth across the play-lot and into woods, give the impression of fluttering, floating flocks of birds! They practice with soccer balls, play softball, catch, hand-clap games, build structures, have conversations on the swings, take walks in the woods.