Before teaching this class, our student teacher, Maryrose, interviewed students and asked them what the phrase (idiom): “don’t lose your head over this” meant. 9 out of 12 students were able to understand what the phrase meant but they didn’t know it was called an idiom. In class, students looked at around12 idioms. When it came time for class, students were told the definition of the idiom along with being exposed to multiple idioms. At the beginning of class students turned and talked with their partner on the rug on what they thought the idiom, “it cost me an arm and a leg” for candy meant. After a few minutes, students were able to share their thoughts in a group discussion. Next, the students participated in the matching game where each student got to go up to circle an idiom and their meaning. Each student had an individual color. Once the matching was complete, students were able to work with their partners on a packet with three idioms. They would draw what the idiom sounds like and what it actually means. Students were allowed to share their artwork and explain it at the end of class.