To start off our unit on native tribes in the US, we studied maps and discussed how the original inhabitants of North and South America came to the continents over the ice covered Bering Strait. We looked at the tribes in the 5 regions, (north east, south east, north west, southwest and plains) and how they had different homes and ways of life. We soon learned how the culture of each tribe is affected by the geography of the land where they live. Their local resources determined the types of homes they lived in and whether they were nomadic or settled. Using Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS), students responded to images showing Native American culture. Each student was assigned a different tribe to research. We read books and watched videos to learn more about each tribe. Children created a large illustration of their tribe’s landscape and then added illustrations of their homes, and many aspects of their lifestyle. To complete their research students will be writing a paragraph about their tribes.