With the invasion of stink bugs into The New School this year, we took part in a study by Cornell tracking the locations of the brown marmorated stink bug, an invasive species. The students photographed the stink bugs they found at school. These photos were sent to Cornell to help in their study.
Our latest “Mystery Guest” Janet Fallon helped us answer the longing question “Did we actually have the brown marmorated stink bug or a different stink bug species?” Janet shared a slide show discussing good bugs and bad bugs, invasive species and the life cycle of stink bugs. She demonstrated how stink bugs harm fruit and vegetables by piercing them with their straw like mouths. The students pierced bananas with a straw to see how this works. Comparing photos of our stink bugs to Janet’s resources, the students concluded that we do in fact host the brown marmorated stink bug. Thank you Janet!